Saturday, March 3, 2012

What have you found most interesting and/or useful in your use of the tablet thus far?

From my earlier entries it would be obvious that I am enjoying my discovery of I am not sure if it is the  free 50Gb or its potential for classroom use that is making me feel giddy.

I build alot of flash based E-learning modules, quizzes and interactions that help make the models available to my anatomy students anywhere they have internet access.

The cross-platform nature of has allowed me to access my documents stored in it from the android tablet on loan to me, an ipad, and an Iphone as well as the web. This will more than cover the majority of devices students might have to gain access to material posted within

Size makes a difference. However seamless and pain free Dropbox is, we are limited to 2Gb of which I am painfully close to using up. I find myself deleting or moving other files just to allow new material to fit. will more than take care of storage needs though the granting of access to others is somewhat clunky compared to Dropbox.

Update: Free 50GB cloud storage for android devices.

As promised, I mentioned I would take a closer look into So far it has been quite fruitful and has potential for classroom use.

1) It mimics the sandbox(dropbox) feature in Angel. You can create folder and assign collaborators to each. The collaborators can be assigned different levels of use  from being editors to viewers etc.
Students can be invited to view documents , videos or links etc stored in a created folder. They would receive emails with a link to the folder or you could copy the link and send it manually by email etc. Permission, access and security can be set for files and folders.

2) If one has a heavy use of  youtube, videos, links etc in their course or would receive documents from students, does look like it can fulfill that niche with its free features. In essence, it could serve as a great collaborative base or a tranche of extra material for students to access outside of Angel/black board.

3) If WiFi or internet is limited or sketchy for the student or instructor, they could download the app to an Android device, or iphone, Ipad etc and through the app, be able to download specific documents for offline viewing.

4) Did I mention that you could also install a (extension) to Office 2010. With it, you can directly create and save, share or open Office documents to folders in ( straight to cloud) without a browser. Screenshot:

I guess it is pretty obvious that on closer inspection I got bitten by the bug!

Ike Nwosu

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Free 50GB cloud storage for android devices.

I recently came across through a friends recommendation. They are offering 50GB free for life to any one with an android device who registers on their website or through an android app.

I haven't explored the features yet but from reviews I have read, it doesn't have the magic that Dropbox has. However, I couldn't pass on 50GB free storage for life. Who knows one day I might have a need for it.

One can always upgrade for a monthly fee to enjoy additional features, even then, I doubt it comes close to the functionality and simplicity Dropbox.

There is one catch though, as a marketing tool, they will access your contacts list  (from your gmail account) but will not store the contact information on their servers. They want to mine email addresses I guess, to spread the word. I had no problem with this as I set up a new email account to access the android market place. I don't have any contacts stored in this email account.

Enough for now, if you want to take advantage do soon: This promotion ends on Friday, March 23, 2012 at 11:59pm PST

Ike Nwosu